ABI Benefits for the Trade
- Expedited cargo release.
- Electronic transmission, validation, confirmation, and correction for entry summaries.
- Payment options such as daily statement and electronic payment through the Automated Clearinghouse (ACH).
- Validated duties, taxes, and fees.
- Interactive communication with Customs.
- Courtesy notices of liquidation, extension, and suspension.
- Consolidated reports under the National Importer Liquidation Program.
- Error statistics available monthly.
- Timely tariff updates.
- Query capabilities.
- Uniform entry summary processing.
ABI Participants Include
- brokers
- importers
- carriers
- port authorities
- service centers
- law firms
- surety companies
Since its inception in 1984, ABI has seen remarkable growth. During fiscal year 1999 the number of participants reached 2,782; entries filed via ABI exceeded 98 percent; and the total number of ABI entries was 21.1 million.